You have plenty of opportunities to volunteer with the Autism Society of Quad Cities. You might:
If you are interested in these and other volunteer opportunities, send e-mail to info@autismqc.org,
or call (563)386-6359.
Your gift will help support, autism education, awareness, advocacy, research, and most importantly, enable us to assist families living with autism.
The Autism Society is a not-for-profit 501(c) (3) organization, Donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law. Our federal tax ID number is 20-1947488.
The Autism society does not solicit funds through telemarketing. This ensures the majority of the donation is used directly to improve the lives of individuals afected by autism.
Donate by phone:
+1 (563)386-6359
Donate by mail:
If you prefer to mail your donation, please use our mail-in donation form.
Have you remembered the Autism Society of America in your will or trust? Donors can leave a lasting legacy by providing strong financial support to ensure that we reach our mission of improving the lives of all those affected by an autism spectrum disorder.
Consider leaving a legacy of support by making a planned gift to the Autism Society of America that allows you to combine your charitable giving goals with your estate and financial planning goals.
Here is sample bequest language you can take to your attorney:
“I give to the Autism Society of the Quad Cities (tax ID number 20-1947488 )
whose office address is P. O. Box 472, Bettendorf, IA 52722 , _______
(insert either dollar amount or a percentage) in support of its full mission.”
If you wish to have a planned gift for the Autism Society of the Quad Cities
please contact development@autismqc.org, or call 1-(563)359-6359.
Birdies for Charity is a fun and easy way to support the work of the Autism Society of the Quad Cities.
We will use "Birdies" proceeds to offer scholarship assistance to persons on the spectrum.
To participate, simply pledge one cent or more per birdie made in the John Deere Classic. A pledge of $.01 per birdie typically equals about $20; $.05 equals $100. You also can make a one-time flat donation.
To enter the contest, guess the number of birdies that actually will be made by PGA Tour Pros during the tournament on July 6-12. A pledge makes you eligible to win more than 100 great prizes. All those who guess the exact number of birdies will be entered in a drawing for a two-year lease on a Lexus NX.
The John Deere Classic also guarantees a 5 percent bonus on total gifts and pledges made to a charity. This bonus has been 10 percent in the past two years.
To make a Birdies for Charity gift to Autism Society of the Quad Cities note the organization's name and number 1501 on the birdies pledge form. You can secure a form from Gary Rowe at gnrowe47@gmail.com, or (309)948-3403.
You can also contribute to the Autism Society of the Quad Cities through your workplace giving campaign, and your company may match up to 100% of your contributions. We are a proud participant in the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC #11808), and many people designate the Autism Society of America through their company’s United Way campaign and Independent Charities of America. Ask your employer how you can sign up to contribute to the Autism Society of America today!
Phone: (563)386-6359
Address: P. O. Box 472 Bettendorf, IA 52722
e-mail: info@autismqc.org